[INES Announce] Fw: Vacancy Assistant Professor Ethics and Philosophy of Technology

Mody, Cyrus (HISTORY) c.mody at maastrichtuniversity.nl
Thu Apr 6 02:17:49 PDT 2023

?Hi everyone,

Announcement of a job at TU Delft:


Assistant Professor Ethics and Philosophy of Technology

The Ethics and Philosophy of Technology section<https://www.tudelft.nl/tbm/onze-faculteit/afdelingen/values-technology-and-innovation/sections/ethics-philosophy-of-technology> is looking for an Assistant Professor (academic career track) of Ethics and Philosophy of Technology. The focus of this position will be on the philosophy and methodology of engineering.

Within the section, a unique approach to teaching engineering and design methodologies has been developed that is aimed at supporting PhD-, master-, and bachelor students in their research activities Research Design<https://www.tudelft.nl/ethics/ethics/teaching-activities/courses-for-phd-students/research-design>. The candidate for this position will be expected to contribute to these educational activities and their further development.

As part of the academic career track, the candidate is further expected to: develop a clear research line in the philosophy of technology; aim for achieving societal impact, and; have a strong interest in engineering and technology development.

The candidate will contribute to and have proven skills in teaching and supervising students. All academic staff members in our Section are expected to contribute to managerial tasks. The candidate should be prepared to work in a multidisciplinary environment encompassing philosophy, engineering sciences, economics, safety science, social and behavioural science, and public policy.

Delft University of Technology endorses the 'recognition and reward' approach which allows for diverse academic profiles, such as a stronger focus on teaching, research or impact, depending on the profile of the candidate and needs of the organization.?


prof. dr. Cyrus C. M. Mody <https://www.maastrichtuniversity.nl/c.mody>
Professor in the History of Science, Technology, and Innovation
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Maastricht University
Director, MUSTS<http://www.maastrichtsts.nl/> Research Cluster
PI, NWO Vici "Managing Scarcity<https://managingscarcity.com/>"/Co-PI, ERC Synergy "NanoBubbles<https://nanobubbles.hypotheses.org/>"

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